Posted on 12/1/2021

It is vital to understand the importance of tire rotation & balance to keep your vehicle running correctly & extend the life of your tires. When our trusted technicians rotate and balance your tires during an inspection, we manage the tread of your tire wear to extend the life of your tires. It’s important to note that tire balancing and tire rotation are different services, but people often think they are the same. We will break each different service down & explain the risks of not rotating your tires. During a tire rotation, each tire is moved to a different position on your vehicle. For example, the tire under the left front may be moved to the back rear. This ensures that your tires wear more evenly, reduces noise & vibrations, & provides a better driving experience. The consequences of not rotating your tires can be deadly. Without routine rotation, the tire treads can wear and cause unsafe driving situations in the form of hydrop ... read more