Posted on 9/1/2020

The world had no idea what was in store when Gottlieb Daimler (1834 - 1900) & Carl Benz (1844 - 1929) were born into the world. This powerful duo pushed our world into a new era with their quest for automobile innovation and technology, leading us into a new wave of the future. In the late 1800s, Carl Benz produced the world's first 2-stroke engine powered bicycle. Soon after, Benz & Daimler teamed up to form a company focusing on research and development of a 4-stroke engine designed to power an automobile. Of course, this comes after a few business ventures with other shareholders that did not share their vision and only wanted to work on developing stationary engines. As we all know, this was not to be their destiny, and so they parted ways. Daimler & Benz stayed true to their dream separately and together, focusing on building the world's first automobile, first by inventing the first internal combustion engine called The Grandfather Clock in 1884, foll ... read more