Posted on 8/1/2020

A tire blowout while driving can be a harrowing experience, especially while on a highway, interstate, or another high-speed road. Bristow's Auto Repair wants to make sure you are prepared and know how to handle an experience like this in the safest possible manner. If you suddenly get a flat while you are on the road, it can be difficult to keep your vehicle going in a straight line. You will want to take hold of the steering wheel at the 10 and 2 positions, take your foot off the gas pedal and allow your car to reduce speed slowly. It is crucial to avoid slamming on your brakes; you want to let your vehicle slow down gradually so as not to further damage the wheel or create a traffic hazard. Check your breathing; make sure you take long, deep breaths, full, slow inhale, and exhales to help stay calm and keep a clear mind. You have got this! When you find yourself in a middle or left lane, you will want to carefully work your way toward an exit or a brea ... read more